How many candles are used in the Lussibrud crown when celebrating Saint Lucia Day?


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In Sweden, the oldest daughter in a family is the Lussibrud, or Lucy Bride. Dressed in a white gown, with a red sash, for martyrdom, and wearing an evergreen crown with seven lighted candles, the Lucy Bride wakes the family with coffee and traditional foods, including Lucy cakes and ginger snaps. There are also town and city processions with an elected Lussibrud who is accompanied by other girls dressed in white and carrying candles and by star boys and baker boys. The star boys are also dressed in white and wear conical hats decorated with stars and moons. They carry lighted paper lanterns on long sticks. The baker boys help distribute the various baked goods that are traditional on the feast. In Sweden today there is even a national Lussibrud.


St Lucia Crown


We didn't do anything for St George's day, but we will in future, now that we've been reminded of the date. I don't think it's so much that the English don't want to offend their immigrants, as the fact that they bend over backwards to be inclusive. People of other nations are not like that, they're more aggressive about getting their own way and putting you and your culture down makes them feel happier. (The refuge of those who feel inferior) It's true that the Irish the Scots and the Welsh celebrate their saints days and like to portray themselves as the poor victims of the English. This is rubbish, they were just as bad in battles, if not worse in some cases. The problem was that the English usually won and that is the unforgivable crime. God knows England has been invaded by just about every country in Europe and doesn't whine about it! I think the English are too modest. They've done a lot of great things for the world and should take pride in that fact and stop worrying about whether that upsets other cultures. People don't respect you more for putting yourself last all the time, although they will fight for their own way, even though it is not in the best interests of the nation as a whole. Such is the way that irrationality shows itself. It seems to me that many people from around the world go to Britain for protection and financial support and just want to bash everything English. (and try to convert it to the country they just left, which they were dissatisfied with for reasons of persecution etc. Where's the sense in that? Australians, who are probably the biggest bashers of the English, in the history of the world wouldn't stand for the sort of criticism you take! (Once again it's the people who feel inferior who do the attacking, it makes them feel better about themselves if they can fool you into thinking their culture is better. It ain't, believe me!!) I've experienced it. You are soon to get a big dose of Aussie indoctrination with the film "Australia" with Nicole Kidman. Take it with a pinch of salt. Australians spend most of their time telling anyone who'll listen that they are better than the British, which gives the game away that they don't feel that they are as good. It's all about advertising nowadays. Sadly, you can't believe anything any more.


i think 8 is the standard now a days!

Yngona D2006-12-10T14:20:44Z

It should be 13, but the Christian church is superstitious and has reduced it to anywhere between 4 and 12.