Tony Romo... good, bad, or just retarded??

I am amazed at the die down of Romo-mania as of late. Everyone was ready to annoint him the next great thing. He had 2 real good games, then followed them up with 2 average games, then 2 stinkers. He has always got that sh-t eating grin on his face, and what he doesnt realize yet is that he is average, not even above average, at best. The entire NFL world was ready to bow down after he took over for Bledsoe, but the thing is comparisons to Bledsoe make anyone look good. My parapalegic, midget, amputee neighbor would look like Favre compared to Bledsoe. I cant wait until the playoffs when he gets lit up and the Romo bandwagon stalls in Big D.


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Good question J. Neut. Well look no further than the ever predictable always delusional Cowboy faithful. Cowboy Fan's, are the biggest band wagoners since Domer Fan. Sheeeooot, Cowboy Fan's still roll in Wagons with a Band of banjo playing drunken hillbilly's in it. These are the dumbest sports fans ever. Ask Cowboy Fan, "Is Romo a Mexican?" Hell no he ain't no Mexican he's Spanish, My mamas Mexican but I'm Span Tex. Cowboy's Suck, Go Bears!


Of course when he took over for Bledsoe he was going to be praised because he went out their and played amazing- beating the very best Peyton Manning and then he had some average games and some games that were not his best. Everyone has bad games. People need to give him a break look where he has taken the Cowboys. The New Orleans game you cannot pin soley on him - the defense was awful!! Romo is going to lead this team into the playoffs whether it is far or not he came from being an unknown bench warmer to a national name and great QB. Maybe he won't be the best ever but he is good you gotta give him that.


Listen, a case can be made that Romo is 'overrated,' but Cowboys fans have every reason to be thankful for the way he has been playing. Bledsoe was once called a superstar, but Romo has a quicker release, quicker reads, mobility in the pocket, good game management, and remarkable poise for someone who was thrusted into the starting job at midseason. You can see that the Cowboys believe in him, and they rally around their leader with excitement similar to what he brings to the fans. Nobody is saying Tony Romo is the best QB in the NFL, and what, Tony Romo isn't allowed to smile after a good game? Give me a break.

It's too early to tell if he's truly and consistently an above average QB-- I'll agree with you on that. First year starting QBs, even ones that develop into Hall of Famers, typically lose in the playoffs. But that doesn't give you the carte blanche to call him a retard and compare him to your highly unfortunate (and hopefully fictional) neighbor.


Wow, why the so severe hating of Tony Romo?, Division rival fan I bet. Well so am I and I still say hes a good quarterback. Bill Parcells knows his stuff and anybody who can Impress Parcells is good enough for me. He certainly knows his football alot better than you do thats for sure. So while he is certainly not Peyton Manning or Drew Brees, he is a solid starter, pretty mobile, pretty good as far as throwing on the run, and maybe its just because the guys beleive in him. That grin you speak about? whats so wrong with a guy that actually enjoys the game, that plays it for fun and because he loves it for all the right reasons, not the money just about everybody else plays for. This is in reality his rookie season, hes got the potential to be great but isnt yet, so what he's basically a rookie lay off and by the way, I'm not the most versed man in news, but last I checked the NFL wasnt bowing down to him. Parcells, whose word is ALOT better and ALOT more believable than yours or most anybody elses for that matter, says hes good with the potential to be great, but dont annoint him yet, and what parcells says is good enough for me.

Hes not retarded your question is, nobody is bowing down to him, in an average year he wouldnt make the pro bowl, but name 3 great quarterbacks in the NFC this year, Bulger doesnt belong either but again, who else is better, the guys young, give him at least a whole season before you start passing your meaningless judgements, cause in the end guess what matters? the W's the cowboys are getting, not the retarded judgements you pass. Its just like the goalie in hockey, the only NFL position that they keep a win loss stat for as starters is the quarterback and last i checked 6-2 is pretty damn good


You have alot of nerve to call a Professional Football player "retarded" Romo has Played well, and The team heplays is doing well because of him Bledsoe should have retired a year ago. Tony Romo is A quarterback in the NFL, he also played Baseball for the New York Yankees, Can you say the same thing about yourself? Get your head out of your rectum!! Be Positive, and not in such a sadistic fashion!

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