Can you help me??

There is a little fat man wearing red standing outside my house. He keeps calling me a Ho...he keeps saying it over and over again Ho Ho Ho...
Ho Ho Ho...

What should I do????

Ok just kidding actually I am just trying to wait for my children to fall asleep. They have been in bed almost an hour but are too excited to sleep!!! And I have nothing better to do!


Favorite Answer

lol!! I feel you, mine wont go to bed either!! i hear them in there giggling.... i remember what it was like when i was a kid, too much excitement....they will eventually fall asleep, if they wont then you can go ahead and go to bed and set your alarm for like 4am and get up to put the presents under the tree, ive had to do that before!!

Merry Christmas to you too!


merry christmas to you to, i had my christmas today.
ate and opened gifts all day. this is the first year i done
this the day before, figured i would try something differant
this year. that way tomarrow while everyone is cooking and running around like a chicken with their head cut off, i can eat leftovers and just relax.
ps. invite him in and give him some milk and cookies


I agree with that one guy. Kick is @s$ and steal the presents! LOL j/p. Thats sweet, my little nephews aren't falling asleep either lol. I hope you have a great Christmas.


Go get the FAT man to join you.
or take him to Jenny Craig

I hate friggin' crybabies2006-12-25T04:11:00Z

Give him a swift kick in his yule-balls. Then eat his cookies, drink his milk, and get drunk with his reindeer! Woo hoo!

We're in the same boat. My daughter is still be-bopping around in her room.

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