Why all of the whining and excuses by the Eagle Fans?

Why are all the Eagle fans showing their true colors and whining and making excuses for tonight's loss to the Saints?

Here is evidence that Eagle fans are nothing but classless whiners:

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AtOQIy6dmwJYehU6bi2Ekqfzy6IX?qid=20070113202009AAp4flG http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ah.MvxQ7XtCUPLAkHgaQGqPzy6IX?qid=20070113201935AAidXYf http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AmXvh3.iO34kKCrwBCmLt5Dzy6IX?qid=20070113205220AAJ4HHg http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AjqAFIdPxXiJqOGxEhKOGRfzy6IX?qid=20070113204842AAcbUwk http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Aqfc_6OVbEb43iMcLxnjghbzy6IX?qid=20070113204139AAaKewp http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ao8sdV1J7X01e51bFJrVXvzzy6IX?qid=20070113203140AAcnX8t http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Aoz5hWHv3nV5btkC_Y167i_zy6IX?qid=20070113202322AAgXHGi

You didn't see any Raven fans make excuses for why they lost tonight. Most of them gave their props to Indy.


Well, congratulations to the Saints for a job well done especially the DEUCE.

As for the Colts -- great job with the defense and hope you can beat New England (if they beat the Chargers) next week. Anyways, as for us Raven fans -- we are thinking about next year as shown here: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AjbR3K6I3eb3mGlb8ItuvVnsy6IX?qid=20070113173414AAD7Ywl


Favorite Answer

Eagles fans are just a bunch of whiners every year it is a new excuse two years ago TO was one of the best recievers in the league and he caught almost 90% of their passes-- So why didnt you win the superbowl? "um .. TO is tearing our team apart? I mean yes TO is a menace!" The next year Ya got rid of TO whats the problem now? " um ... McNabb got hurt? yea!" What This year ? " The Refs!!" OHH SHUT UP!! THE EAGLES JUST SUCK!!!!!!!!!


All fans seem to do this whenever their team loses a big game. It's as easy as blaming it on the refs. "My team played horrible...but the refs were the ones who cheated us!" "My team made a few mistakes...but the game was rigged so the Saints would win it!"

C'mon folks. A good 70% of us have teams that aren't in the playoffs or made it to the playoffs and lost, and most of us reasonable ones don't sit there and make excuses.

It'll pass. The NFC fans are a little more rough around the edges than the AFC ones.


Anyone want to talk about pain? How we can blame it on the refs and what not. Try being a Browns fan. We have suffered more than just about anyone in recent history. In the past couple of years, I don't think any team has had more single-possession losses (and wins) than Cleveland. But, hey, things happen. We deal and move on. Philly fans, take it from a Browns fan....

There's always next year.


Wow, you're right. Crazy people IT'S A GAME
and beside neither team looked good enough to go to the big game
I didn't know that Phily had that many Fans

watch Da Bears to go all Da way


because they are philly fans! they are like their own breed of humans... as soon as that game ended... philly sports radio had fans on and the first thing out of their mouths was it was rigged and the refs gave it to the saints. i guess they cant deal w. the fact that they lost and are not going to the big game, its funny how they love the team when their winning, but as soon as they lose then its "andy sucks" and "garcia is a loser"... oh well.... always next year!

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