Favorite Answer
It's a parody religion.
F. Perdurabo
That would be difficult to do in a couple of paragraphs.
However, let it be known that "Bob" is the only true way.
The aliens landed on our planet a long time ago.
They enslaved the primate/human race and accelerated their intelligences so they could develop societies
However the only reason that the aliens did this is for food. We are bred to be food for aliens.
But there is some relief and that relief is none other than J.R. "Bob" Dobbs. Our one true savior.
Evidence of "Bob's" existence is all over the place. Just look around you.
If you haven't sent your $30 to "Bob" then you are still pink!
Mr. NoneofYourbusiness
“ The Church Of The SubGenius is an order of Scoffers and Blasphemers, dedicated to Total Slack, delving into Mockery Science, Sadofuturistics, Megaphysics, Scatalography, Schizophreniatrics, Morealism, Sarcastrophy, Cynisacreligion, Apocolyptionomy, ESPectorationalism, Hypno-Pediatrics, Subliminalism, Satyriology, Disto-Utopianity, Sardonicology, Fascetiouism, Ridiculophagy, and Miscellatheistic Theology. ”
-- from The Book of the SubGenius, page 5
the beet
For us, those who accept Bob as their temporary personal savior, we are dedicated to our slack. Mind you, slack is not sloth. Instead, slack is freedom from the tedium of the world of pinks..material obsession, wage slavery. We are also very fond of our frop...but we won't discuss that here.
It is written that on X day...or is it XXXXXXXX day by now, that the X-ist will arrive and carry all sub-genius off on the pleasure ships. There you will have complete slack, as well as a collection of every song, book, play, movie you thought you should write, but never did. Every great idea you never completed will be manifest for you to enjoy.
Ahhhh...isn't that worth 30 bucks
Praise Bob
Go now and surrender your money...
PS...a silent moment for Pope Robert Anton Wilson who died 1/11/07
Me, Thrice-Baked
Ah, it's a brilliant one, very satirical, very postmodern, very true.
Only old Bob can explain. Go here:
or even here:
You'll get the entire history and much more. A friend turned me onto Bob last year. Excellent! I hope you can be a new convert to the idea of slack. :)