Where is your home?

I moved from Poland to the US 7 years ago. I go back now and then but I feel like here is my home. For all of you that migrated, where do you feel most at home? What do you miss most about your original country? Do you notice any social changes when you go back? Do you want to go back for good?

P.S. No hate answers pls. If you don't like my question, just keep going.


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I lived and grew up in South Africa. I now live in Switzerland and will be moving to England for my university years. After that I don't know. I can't seem to call one place my home.
You see I really dislike South Africa, its horrible there and will never be my home, only a place I lived once. So I will never go back there ever again and I don't miss anything about it. But I can't seem to relate to English culture especially nor can I to Swiss culture.

I don't really know what I will do but I will have to think of something. Luckily I have a few passports so I have my option open.


It definitely took some adjusting to get used to the new place. I do miss some of the culture and things, but now when I go back, I do not feel at home there, so home is my new home, not the old one.


I've always lived in the US but originally from Ohio now living in Colorado. There are some changes in Ohio but I'm not there to check out the town but visit family.


I was born in USA but am now in Saudi Arabia. No I don't miss the USA as I get called a terrorist for being Muslim.


Right here in the good old USA.

: )

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