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Question: is 97 in an iq test an ok score?
Deleted Answer: My 9yo son tested for Gifted program at school in second grade and has an IQ of 135 (he was 7 at the time of the test)
Descriptive Classifications of Intelligence
Quotients Grade Range Percent
Genius 144 0.13%
Gifted 130-144 2.14%
Above average 115-129 13.59%
Higher average 100-114 34.13%
Lower average 85-99 34.13%
Below average 70-84 13.59%
Borderline low 55-69 2.14%
Low <55 0.13%
Reason of Violation:Not a Question or Answer
what's funny is that people actually answered that question quite rudely,, and I got yanked !!
and yes I am VERY proud of my son.. my IQ was tested last in the 9th grade and was 143..probably went down throughout the years though !! LOL I did send an email back to them and let them know I have a 40% best answer rate, I don't think someone just putting whatever on answers would have that !!
I did not answer in insult, I added my sons' score because that is where I got the results scale from. AND I am really proud...