Do you think that microanalyizing prejudist jokes and snafus in America is actuually harboring more racism?
It seems that every night there's a new spotlight on some alleged racist/prejudist situation, some of them stupid (the Snickers commercial) some of them serious (Race crimes), but focusing on them all the time is just dividing us more. Sometimes things are just funny and shouldnt be dissected into what they meant by it, it is really limiting our creative freedom people!
Favorite Answer
Very good question. There so much tension these days, no one is willing to lighten up a bit. I try to find humor in everything. If I don't find it funny, I just don't comment. You can't change someone else's opinion.
I didn't see the Snickers commercial. Could you elaborate or post a link.
Everyone knows that nobody is being oppressed in the USA it or not it's true. At the same time there are a lot of pig-heads of ALL races that just keep the ball rolling. Also, perpetual complaining only adds fuel to this fire. Until the pig-headed way of thinking goes away, the problem will be persistent. But don't expect it in our life time. We need to keep it in the open and be rational adults. Unfortunately, as everyone has seen on here, maturity never is achieved in some. Wish I had something better to say. :(
I for one would love to see a world without hate and war.
Well there is a frontier of prejudice that needs to be honestly tackled before we suddenly give up on bothering to say people don't deserve to continue to burn a candle for prejudice, religious prejudice. I am not a Christian perse and yet I won't use my position to hurt a Christian and yet, they do use theirs to limit my power, privilidge and prestige in society. Religious zealots need slaves to keep the energy in their organizations going. So those who do not belong and bow their heads to the zealots worship services and put money in the basket, are eliminated from the club. This happens because there are laws to allow it to happen. Laws like the Privacy Act that hide the religious zealots irreverant dominance by concealing their silent majority by making it a law to allow it's concealment. So I wonder, are you a member of a large religious organization? Or do you just have money from people that were? What makes you think people are not downtrodden? I learned something from being bullied. The bullies don't realize they do it and if you let them do it, even in jesting, it gives more people the license to keep it up. It is called abandonment, the abandonment of good sense and feeling by the drunks of society that allow this to keep going because they see no harm in it. I personally am sickenned by your haphazard attitude and want to make sure you get that. You really need to change. May the Force of Caring cause you the conflict to cause you to care more about offended people's feelings and survival. You really need to wake up! Sometimes it is just not funny. Someone deserves an apology, and I think you need to give it. Thankyou for reading. God Bless.
It's like when my son was teasing little kids on the bus on April Fools Day. My son said, "But it's funny!" The bus driver said, "If the other person doesn't find it funny, it's not funny."