Shark Infinity Vacuum?

I've asked this question in the pets forum and thought I would try here as well. I have pets and would like to know what people think of this vacuum.

Toni S2007-02-18T15:38:21Z

Favorite Answer

I recently bought the Shak Infinity Vacuum and I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but it only worked right the FIRST time I used it. Ever since, I have not be able to obtain the same level of suction, or anything reasonably close. The hose has clogged several times as well. I lose suction, clean the filters and have only regained partial suction from the hand held hose. The upright portion of the vacuum regains more suction than the hose but not anything acceptable. I have been unable to use the hand held hose at all since the first use. I'm personally angry as heck that I bought it. I was actually online searching for the shark Infinity website to find out how to get my money back when I found this forum and thought I'd respond. Good luck.