Did I just come up with the most creative idea ever??

I was thinking, there are so many posts, ads, and such about helping starving children of Africa everywhere, but apparently we aren't doing **** since they are still starving and have been for years (I guess we don't care enough to pinpoint the problem and fix that), anyway...I thought of the most creative idea, instead of giving money to organizations that haven't solved the problem yet, we could get some huge modeling agency to start giving these starving kids modeling contracts! In America the models here are mostly anorexic looking, so at least these kids would be rich and able to buy anything they want for their families and themselfs,

Pretty creative huh?


Favorite Answer

And the Nobel Peace Prize goes to

: Drumrolls :

" D for coming up with the smartest idea since sliced bread, come up take your award "

: Applause :


Yeah! That's a great idea.....NOT!!! You're crazy, but I'm still trying to figure out why you posted this question. You just lost 5 points, you know. My heart goes out to those people, but there's really nothing in my power to do. Unless, we give the money to Angelina Jolie, and she'll adopt another baby. The more she adopts, the less starved! Isn't that creative?


That recruiting and sales are both forms of prostitution. If the company is good enough on its own merits, no recruiting will be needed. Word of mouth will be sufficient. Sales is the practice of manipulating desire in order to get people to part with thier money. A deeply ethical person would avoid both.


Sorry, the most creative idea ever was the wheel. But you are a very close second.


They would never survive in the modeling industry- they don't have Tyra's forehead or Naomi's bad temper

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