reactivate old email address?

An email account that I hadn't opened in a long time was closed, is there any way that i can reactivate this, theres emails in there that i need


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To reactivate your account: If it has been less that 3 months (90 days) since you deleted it, sign in as normal with the address and password then click on "I can't access my account". Fill in the form and submit with the details when you first opened your account, or when you last edited the details. You will need your birth date, country and zip or postal code, and the answers to your secret questions AND and an alternate e-mail! After more than 3 months, the account is permanently closed. You can apply for the same name again, but the folders will all be empty of information. Other people may also apply for the same 'new' account name too, so it might be taken if you re-apply for that user name.


if you put an alternate e-mail in when you signed up, just go there and ask for another password to get you back in.
you can also try requesting the administration, but be ready with your old password and the security question info so you can verify that it is actually you...
good luck.


if you do not operate for long , all your emalis are gone but if you remember id or try to get the password using forgot password , you will get you email id back but not the emails

it happend with hotmail , even they removed my id. and i went and created same id it worked


No once it's deactivated for any reason,all your info is gone.Can't open in same name for three month's i beleive.


A yahoo account?