Democrat Control = 8 years of peace. Read Carefully before tossing out a nonsense reply.?

I think that with a Dem in the White House and Democrat control of both houses of Congress, that the terrorists do not dare launch a massive attack such as 9/11. Should they do so then BOTH parties will agree that action must be taken.

The terrorist tactic of divide and conquor will have failed then. They will have to wait until the Republicans hold all the cards once more before they dare attack again.

This is just a thought that occurred to me, not necessarily a statement of fact. But it is something worth pondering. What do you think. I welcome answers here or in my e-mail.


Wow, I got a wide range of responses, quick. I wasn't talking about Clinton years of "peace", I was thinking about the future. Just FYI, I am a Veteran of the 82d Airborne Division, and my son has served 2 tours of Iraq, also with the 82d Airborne. Although I am a Democrat, I'm certainly not a peace freak. I do worry that conducting a half-assed war, the way we are now, is a sure way to lose.

Overt Operative2007-02-19T09:55:27Z

Favorite Answer

I can't agree with that statement. Democrats are unable to speak in one voice or unite under one leadership. The democratic party is not the party that it once was under JFK and LBJ.
I would seriously worry about the security of the USA if both the congress and the White House was under Democratic control.


You have a very idealistic view of the world. If you think for a minute that the terrorists will stop hating America because a Democrat is in the White House, you are badly mistaken. The terrorists don't discriminate. They hate all Americans, Democrats and Republicans alike.


I think that the reality of what terrorists really think escapes many people. They think the terrorists give a damn who is in power in the States, I think that idea is ludicrous. They make commentaries about our politics because it's always a successful flame to throw at us. They don't really give a crap who is in power. To them we are ALL the devil and any planned attacks aren't going to rest on whether a Democrat or a Republican sits in the Oval Office or controls our Congress. They have one objective - destroy the fabric of our country. To them that fabric is one and the same - they only talk about our politics to play games with American's heads and too many people fall for it. They attacked when we had a Democratic President and they attacked when we had a Republican one. This giving the terrorists credence for being swayed by our home politics only serves to give them something to chuckle about.


It is an interesting thought...

But I think you are not understanding why so-called terrorists attacked on 9-11.

The reasons are simple and beyond the internal workings of US politics.

1. Their goal, in their terms, is to drive the infidels from Muslim lands, to overthrow the corrupt governments that the US has imposed and sustains such as the Royal Saudi Family.

2. US policies towards Israel-Palestine. People everywhere (including the US) are outraged by long-standing US support for Israel's brutal military occupation, now in its 35th year.

3. The US supports corrupt and brutal governments that block democracy and development, and does so because of its concern to protect its interest in Near East oil.

4. You can't first support Bin Laden then expect to ignore his goals when they are aimed at you... we know he was one of the many religious fundamentalist extremists recruited, armed, and financed by the CIA and their allies in Pakistani intelligence to cause maximal harm to the Russians... Americans choose to ignore who is responsible for that... The very Congress you cite.

5. Bin Laden and his Afghanis turned against the US in 1990 when they established permanent bases in Saudi Arabia. He did this for reasons cited in the Koran, in his muddled interpretation, he sought to free Muslim land from "infidels" and Bush's equally fundamentalist Christian response was to start a Crusade. Pay attention to the language and tell me if you can relate to these whackos (I can't) I just want to work, raise a family and be happy. The enemy is known, sadly the jihad is on both sides.

If people in the US even had a clue who to really fear they would **** themselves... hint - Pakistan.


the clarification that Brahma isn't worshiped is the Hindu view of time. In Vedic Hinduism, time is represented as assorted cycles, progressing via 4 an prolonged time and diminishing in purity. The god (whoever it relatively is, despite if a Vishnu-sect or a Siva-sect) starts off this progression in the process the an prolonged time and then has a night of no action, no life (over, of direction, billions of years). As such, there's a circle and a circle has no initiating. Then the writer god, Brahma, isn't significant simply by fact regardless of the actuality that he creates and is relatively powerful, his place in the cycle has exceeded and can't be latest in historic previous.

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