What's the best thing to do when your toddler says, "I hate you'?

Actually it's not as bad as that... lately when my husband says, "I love you" to our 2 1/2 year old son, he replies, "I don't love you." It really hurts my husband's feelings. I'm sure our son will grow out of it, but what's the best reaction?

My husband is a bit more strict with our son than I am and I think he sets them up for a battle of wills (whereas I am more gentle but more implaccable). No drastic difference though. Thanks for your thoughts.


Favorite Answer

At 2.5, it's nothing personal. Your husband needs to understand that. Your son is just experimenting. Plus, he has no idea what "love" means. Really.

However, there's no harm in not setting the right tone now. "I love you anyway" is a good response. Then, move on.

If you husband does act hurt, this will tell your child that he has a powerful weapon. And he'll learn to keep using it.


The best way for your husband to handle this situation is to say, thats fine, but I still and always will love you!! Your son is just testing limits and he knows that he will get a rise out of your hubby by saying this!


Read him the "Do You Love Me" book, with the eskimos in it. It talks about "WOuld you love me if i trned into a walrus and scared you until you dropped your basket?" stuff like that. It's really sweet, an d my rents read it to me. If he's being beligerent ,just say "I'll always love you no matter what. No matter how many times he says "I hate you", just say "I love you till the end of forever." He'll get over it.


I agree with Anne... keep telling him that you love him, no matter what. This phase will pass! Try to get Daddy to ease up a little to! LOL


just say "i love you too" and ignore it. They dont know what hate is, and they are mimicing what they heard from someone else.

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