Do You Believe Our Gov't When They Claim?

That there are NO pictures of any of the alleged hijackers at the airports where they boarded the planes that crashed?
Ever before 9/11, it was impossible to board a flight without being videotaped at numerous place in an airport--when you enter, at the ticket/baggage counter, in the waiting lounge and at the boarding gate.
Yet no pictures.
Kinda makes you go hmmmmm doesn't it?


There are pictures of 2 of the alleged hijackers boarding connecting flights to the east coast.
I'm talking about pictures of them at the airport where they boarded planes that they late hijacked/crashed.


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Funny, I saw plenty of pictures too. Must be a government conspiracy to make you look like a loon.


The hearings for the 911 Commission investigation were not even done under oath. Many witnesses were not called. The investigation left more questions than answers. It was a farce. Part of the excuse was that it was classified. Go to Youtube and type "911" in the search and check out some of those videos.
I can't believe that our government is going to leave it at that. They spent 5 times as much money investigating Bill's indiscretion than they did 911.


I don't believe any pictures were being taken before
911 as hijacking was not much of a problem in past
years. 911 changed everything.


Good answer, Bekindtoanimals......what would you think if you found proof that all the alleged hijackers are still alive, and were surprised to find out that their identities had been stolen????


No, I know I saw pictures of Mohammad Attah.

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