Do you all know how many questions are posted by political operatives?
Doesn't it seem just a teeny bit CONVENIENT to anyone that questions from right wing leaning folks all reflect the very latest Republican talking points? And all at exactly the same time?
Why does it seem that everyone suddenly asks at once why Al Gore's house uses 50 times more power than the "average" house in Tennessee the DAY AFTER he wins the Academy Award for "An Incovenient Truth" (it doesn't) or why Barak Obama is Muslim (he's Baptist) or why Hillary Clinton faked a southern accent (she was reading from a poem).
Doesn't it seem awfully convenient that so many people "think" the same thing at once?
Isn't anyone aware that Right Wing operatives are posting these so-called "questions"?
Another question - a few people have suggested that I'm a delusional conspiracy nut because the topcis in the news are what prompt questions by right-wing leaning people. Okay, so how come no one with a right-wing perspective has ASKED A SINGLE QUESTION ABOUT THE DEPLORABLE CONDITIONS FOR VETS AT WALTER REED HOSPITAL OR THE FACT THAT BRITISH TROOPS ARE LEAVING IRAQ OR THE FACT THAT THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION HAS BEEN FORCED TO NEGOTIATE WITH NORTH KOREA AFTER REFUSING TO TALK FOR YEARS?
The question, once again, is why do right wing people polny ever EVER ask questions designed to smear anyone who opposes Bush? Anyone?