Why can't people speak or type like they've a brain?

I just wonder why so many people talk and/or type like they're uneducated. cell phone text messaging short hand is partly to blame for the typing but why do people talk or type "ghetto slang"? do they think it makes them sound tough or cool? do they not realize it makes them sound like they're... mentally challenged? I may not be a genius, but atleast I try to speak to where people can understand it.


Favorite Answer

It's AIM's fault. AIMspeak is more common type nowadays. It seems thay my proper language and hatred of all things "lol, r u kddig? u r so funy" is finally putting things in retrograde. Hopefully, we'll have full sentences and possibly some punctuation and capitalization by 2020.

heather l2007-03-07T22:42:32Z

Good for you. Some people may not type or speak as well as you but that doesn't mean they are below you in any way. What does it matter to you anyway? They aren't typing or speaking for you are they? And maybe they are uneducated or mentally challenged. So what, I wonder why you are so worried about it.


i understand ghetto slang. Just let them type however they want. It's not like it really affects you. As long as you're comfortable with how you type, then that's all that matters. If people are "mentally challenged"... then they're "mentally challenged." End of story.

G's Random Thoughts2007-03-07T22:43:44Z

I get lost in a lot of questions myself. Typos I forgive easily as the spell check is not yahoo's best feature. And some users are not native english speakers.

These aside many people cant seem to form a coherent thought. Just move on when you get to these Q&A's


Sum dnt hve a brn
Othrs cnt spl
Mny r jus ignrnt

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