I'm hungry but........?

I'm hungry but I can't eat. Everytime I try I get to feeling sick and even get sick. (vomiting) I can't eat anything not even a bite here and there, I tried to trick my body by eating a few bites then setting it aside for an hour. It's been like this for about 3 days now. I can't go to the doctor (for insurance purposes) so what do I do? Serious answers only please!


I don't have a normal doctor because I have no insurance and as far as I'm aware of I'm not pregnant (although it's possible)


Oh can anyone list some things that can cause this or somethings that can result from it? Please

Amanda LW2007-04-03T13:24:59Z

Favorite Answer

You probably have lost your appetite. Not your hunger, as you say you are hungry, but your appetite for food. I would call your doctor and try to talk to a nurse there and see if they recommend something without coming in. Just think though, if you do go in sooner rather than later, it may cost more since you don't have insurance, but that would be much better than paying out hundreds of dollars at an ER or something if it's something more serious. Try maybe to get some liquids in you at least. Is there anything else going on? Might you be suffering from heat exhaustion, or the flu? I would call someone at the doctors office and give them your symptoms and see what they say.

Best of luck and hope you feel better!

student nurse2007-04-10T19:42:49Z

Unfortunately it could be a number of things causing the problem from food poisoning to a stomach virus, bacterial infection, E Coli, pregnant... Without knowing pertinent facts it would be like trying to shoot a june bug from a hundred yards in the dark. Bottom line whatever it is can cause you to become severely dehydrated which could cause you to loose mental function or if left untreated could cause death, depending on how long it lasts. your body has a delicate balance of electrolytes and it doesn't like it if that balance gets tipped. Go to the doctor in your car now or to the ER in an ambulance later. I suggest the first one. Good luck.


well personally its not going to get any better since you can't eat. Your stomach will just grow smaller and food will be less appealing. I would go to a doctor, normally i would say trying eating a little bit and then maybe work your way up to a bigger meal ect. But in your situation it might be serious, i would visit a doctor, keep hydrated on liquids though.

mary m2007-04-03T13:30:17Z

You can visit your local hospital ER, and then be billed later
( in most cases) At the ER, you can receive fluids and medicine that can ease the nausea and get professional advice from a doctor. This should be taken care of soon, as it could be a trigger to something more serious.

P GIRL2007-04-03T13:21:03Z

you better go to the doctor or ER, they can at least stabilize you and you can request charity care and not have to pay. I had the same symptoms, not for 3 days but overnight and they gave me a shot to stop the nausea/ dry heaves. Good luck!

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