Harry Potter Question.?

Ok so I am a little confused. I am wondering if Ginny in Harry Potter is ever Jenny or if people are just messing it up on Yahoo answers.


Please answer, I want answers en masse.


I am very familiar with the books I won't get confused I was just wondering as I have come across in several times here on ask.


Favorite Answer

The name in the books is Ginny. However the distinction between Ginny and Jenny is harder to make if you've only seen the movies.


No, its ABSOLUTELY Ginny, I've never heard of "Jenny" before. There is no Jenny in the Harry Potter Books, don't get confused.


In the books, it's Ginny, ron's sister. There is no such charcter called Jenny in the Harry Potter series. They're getting the name wrong.

Marissa Di2007-04-15T18:13:17Z

Ginny is Ginny in Harry Potter.

Alice Cullen2007-04-15T18:10:14Z

no shes not jenny. i guess sometimes people hear the name and dont know how to spell it. im pretty sure shes always been just ginny or maybe they are talking about another person. ive heard someone spell her name that way on yahoo answers too but then added that they meant ginny.

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