I need a good old fashioned lice remedy!?

My daughter keeps coming home from school with lice. I know it's got to be coming from the school. The problem started when she started school last year, and was a problem the whole school year. During the summer, we got rid of the lice and they stayed away for 3 months. Now that she's back to school, the lice are back! What can I do?


Favorite Answer

Homemade Head Lice Shampoo

2 tablespoons Tea Tree Oil

6 ounces Dawn Dish Liquid (Dawn ONLY)

2 ounces white vinegar

Mix the ingredients in a large squeeze bottle, such as an empty dish soap bottle. Use as regular shampoo, leave in hair for 5 minutes before rinsing. Use hair conditioner to detangle hair before combing with a lice-comb.

•Put on clean clothing after treatment.

•Comb dead and any live lice out of the hair.

•Use a Head Lice and nit Comb to remove nits and lice from the hair.

•Check and comb, and remove nits and lice from the hair every 2-3 days.

•Repeat the treatment within 7 to 10 days.

•Recheck for 2 to 3 weeks until all lice and nits are gone.

The mom2007-04-15T20:13:41Z

Head lice are the bane of schoolchildren and mothers all over the world. We have 6 kids, and have been down this road ourselves- so you have my sympathy. RID is still the best remedy, fast and effective. Be sure to treat all the hats, the pillows, stuffed animals, brushes and combs. When my daughters were elementary aged, we kept the hair tightly braided in the back of their heads. They had no need to carry a brush or comb that way, so they didn't have one to loan out and no need to borrow one during the day. I'd also take up this matter with the school, since they have a problem that really needs to be taken care of. They should have all the students checked, and send home the students with head lice for treatment and certification before returning to class. It doesn't do any good for you to treat your daughter even one child in the class has them untreated. No matter what you do at home, if they are in the school, your daughter will continue to catch them. It's not what you are doing, it's what the other's aren't.


Lice suck! Literally and figuratively! Regardless of what you use you have to use a good nit picker. If you think she has live ones that weren't killed, you could douse her head with baby oil and have her wear a shower cap to bed. This would smother the living and stop them from attaching nits on the slippery folicals. She needs to be mindful of where she puts her coat at school and sitting on those chairs with fabric on the back. Lice like clean heads so don't freak out. It may be disgusting but it is just a major pain in the ***! Good Luck!


Ok as for clinical there's a distinct variety of lice stuff you'll be able to get from the Dr very luxurious when you shouldn't have coverage. Next you'll be able to use inexperienced tree oil to aid hinder lice. Wash and comb the hair day-to-day. Make definite you bag all filled animals. Wash the carpets and bedding and garments in hot water. Also if desired spray furnishings with lice spray.

Jennifer L2007-04-15T20:12:11Z

Nix, RID, even generic lice killer works (mayo or olive oil just aren't as good)...And follow the directions (if her hair is long, you may need two portions)....Make sure you get all the nits out; comb outs are essential (don't skip it)....all linens and clothes will need to be washed and dried in hot/high heat....go over with her why we don't borrow hairbrushes, hats, scrunchies, etc.....sounds crazy, but put lots of 'product' (mousse, hairspray, etc) in her hair and keep it up in ponytails if it's long.....If you think that she keeps getting it from school and you've done all these things, then it's time to talk to the teacher/principal/etc. More than likely, your daughter is not the only one.
Good luck. I know it's frustrating for you and your daughter.

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