When did you start showing?

I've been pregnant before, and I was trying to recall when I got the baby "bump" and I'm thinking it was about 3-4 months...what about you?


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UGH!!! Each pregnancy was so different. Believe it or not as soon as I found out that I was pregnant with my third one (about 5 weeks) it seemed the next day I had the "bump". She also came out 10lbs 11 oz. With my first child I started showing around the middle of my third month (I was REALLY thin to start with), and with the middle child. . . . . honestly that pregnancy was just a blurr with a one year old running around.


I am 7 almost 8 months pregnant with my second and the first one i didn't show until i was around 5 months then i blew up. Lost all the weight. Well with this one i started showing at about 3 months. I asked the doctor if it could be from weight gain and she said your body automatically recognizes the symptoms and starts to prepare for it again so your uterus swells. Well must be true cause my weight didn't change but a few pounds there he was my baby bump.

Jessica W2007-04-16T20:46:03Z

First baby 4-5 month marker. Second pregnancy 3 months.


I first started noticing a bump between 12-14 weeks, but I don't think it was noticable to complete strangers. Now I'm 18 weeks and still not too big, but definitely rounder than before!!!


I was 6 months before I started showing then I got huge.

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