For Mature Men Only, Please?

Given this hypothetical situation, what are your feelings. You have fathered a child. The mother leaves you, taking the child with her. She has totally cut you off from her and your child. You were a responsible father, she left for her own selfish reasons. Father's Day is here. You see other parents with their children. What are your musings upon seeing other fathers being given the opportunity to excercise their paternal instincts.

I understand that this may not be a hypothetical situation for many, I would especially appreciate your responses. Your responses will be incorporated into a character that is being developed for a piece of fiction.


Thank you gentlemen for your honest answers. They will be very helpful in rounding out the character. And the ten points goes to...


Favorite Answer

i would feel horrible, because the child was both are responsibilites and we were both taking care of it. i would fight for the right to see him for the child atleast can know his father is when he grows up.
i mean that baby is not just hers just because she carried it for nine months


I think each individual would react different dependiding on there ethics, Myself would be very sad and bitter towards the mother, why did she leave me? why did this happen towards me? Fathers day would be hard seeing all the fathers with there children, i would get very depressed about it, and i would prob avoid going out as to not witness any father/child things. I would sit by the phone in the hope that i would get a call from the mother.
Good luck
Im a writer too

Jason F2007-04-23T23:53:48Z

I would be plotting ways to find her and remove her from the face of the earth, nobody messes with my kids.. Now if I was an *** or a lousy dad fine!

I have 2 daughters, and I have put a lot of time and effort into them and love them both it would kill me to lose them and I would probably hurt anyone who took them away from me, any way possible.

On that note... Have a nice day :-)


I am married and have two kids, and I can guarantee it wouldn't be just father's day. Everytime I see other children, everyday would be horrible. But I wouldn't let her go without a fight for my right to see my kids. I would have her in court for my custody rights immediately.


Whats the question? Would i want to see my kid? Heck yeah, especially for the fact that i'm responsible and I want to see my kid get older. I would do whatever possible to find my ex and be with my kid. Never give up on what you believe is right.