Now that communism has fallen in Russia, will the "Caste System" in india be eliminated too?
This is in connection with some of the worlds major problem and the question is open for everyone to answer...
This is in connection with some of the worlds major problem and the question is open for everyone to answer...
Favorite Answer
dude, first of all you are to be educated.there is no similarity between communism and caste-ism.. in communist society there will be no classes no what way the fall of soviet Russia related to caste system in India. on the contrary, another thing is Russia was never a communist country. after the death of Lenin, Stalin made it an authoritarian state and after his death, Khrushchev ET AL made it a state capitalist it is full fledged capitalist society. regarding caste system in India, it would be eliminated only reservations based on caste system are abolished, and when discrimination between castes is not in force in villages .the names that suffix and prefix a person telling us the name of a caste to which he belongs is to go. due to vote bank politics, cast ism is still in existence. most of the political parties like congress, BJP, BSP, samajwadi party and other splinter groups give tickets to the people on caste basis.unless, there would be social awareness, and mass popular movement upsurge against caste system, it would not be eliminated. down with the casteist politicians who divide this country on the basis of caste.
The Caste system is not politically acknowledged today, the system is still in place, and always will be for most of India. If it ever is eliminated, it will take a very long time. Some traditions and habits are hard to break. Also in India the distinction between the rich and the poor is extremely noticeable. Most of the families in India are very close. The parents, in most cases, still choose their children's spouses. These adults will not marry outside their Caste, and they will not go against their parent's choice of a mate. To hear them, Indians, talk about other Castes, some you can tell they have a strong distaste for by the way they say the name, and the expression on their faces. I do not think the Caste system is going anywhere. And if the US keeps going as it is now, we'll be living in a communist country.
The Bitter Truth about Hinduism.
1. Hinduism explicitly creates irrational hierarchy among Indians which is against Article 14
2. Hindu parents covertly teach their children to coerce other children as per the Caste hierarchies.
This has been happening since 5000 years.
Jon M
Doesn't relate.... Communism was instituted in Russia for 70 years... The Caste System has been in India for thousands.
Paul D
I think India should have whatever system they choose.
It is amazing how easily some people in our country buy into the idea that WE need to police the world.
Hitler wanted to
Napoleon wanted to
and many lesser known dictators.
Let the world handle their own INTERNAL affairs.
and that goes with the middle east as well.
We should only be concerned with our direct defense and keeping free trade going.
If we keep telling the world how to run their own countries...sooner or later, they will be telling us how to run ours...and I for one do not like that idea.