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Lv 7
asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 22 hours ago

why did cities allow BLM /Antifa , etc rioters and protestors to  go around damaging property without even having the police try to stop it?

Updated 22 hours ago:

watching a video now of the damage done to Cleveland, Oh, and it shows crowds of people just walking around and casually breaking out windows and trying to turn cars over and burn them after, and no cop sirens anywhere to be heard and this is all on a sunny day in broad day light, no cops anywhere, why?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 hours ago

    When the police try to stop such crimes, it can lead to a worse situation, so caution and responsibility is needed in the police response.

    But this is not how it always goes --- most of the time the police respond in a responsible manner --- except that right-wing propaganda exaggerates the situations that look bad in order to score right-wing points.

  • 6 hours ago

    Oh, you poor, self deluded racist scumbucket:

    Attachment image
  • Anonymous
    8 hours ago

    can we get a link to the video you're referring to? 


    If there's a video, then those people have probably already been charged for their crimes. Hundreds of people (both violent and nonviolent) got arrested during the summer protests. 


    ...also cities did not *let* people go around damaging property...did you not see when both rioters and protestors across the nation were met with rubber bullets and tear gas?

  • 10 hours ago

    they are afraid to stop it

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  • Anonymous
    13 hours ago

    No cities did that.

  • Anonymous
    21 hours ago

    Liberal mayors wanted to show their support for BLM even if that meant allowing looting, arson, etc to occur.  

  • ?
    Lv 7
    22 hours ago

    They were under orders by their leftist mayors and governors. It was a plot to create as much chaos as possible under the Trump administration. Now that the Biden/Harris regime is in place they don't even make the news. Yes, they're still happening. 

  • Anonymous
    22 hours ago

    i dont know, it seems kind of like it was set up for some bigger political purpose

  • 22 hours ago

    They all happened in democrat controlled cities 

  • Anonymous
    22 hours ago

    To stick it to the racists. 

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