Why do the people that post the most false and inflammatory answers...?
...not provide any way of contacting them privately?
For one, the "hunter bashers" that crash this place seem to like a "hit and run" way of pushing their views, with no fact or basis to back them up. Hardly worthy of a response because most is simple opinion, but once in a while they say something falsely stated as fact that in one way or another makes you want to reply and tell them how wrong they are.
Next comes the anti-gun crowd - the most lame of the answerers here. Someone asks a legitimate firearm question, only to have someone give a lame non-answer like "wut r u gona do shot sum1?". Note the wonderful spelling. Then we have the more sophisticated anti's that push false "facts" about gun owners being shot with their own gun "a lot" and falsely state that absolutely "none" (zero) instances of lawful citizens defending themselves with firearms exist. Despite that citizens defend themselves every day, as published in many sources, including "American Rifleman" magazine.
These same people twist facts and statistics to their advantage, despite that everyone knows better. It seems their only reason for answering is to push their agenda and make themselves feel better. Truly it can't be doing any good here. Better yet are the International respondents calling us "trigger happy American cowboys". Yippee-kay-yay...Bruce Willis had something that follow that phrase but I'll leave it at that.
All of us sane law-abiding citizens who respect the 2nd Amendment and why our Founding Fathers put it in our Constitution know the truth. But, unfortunately, it seems the great uneducated, media driven, liberal masses won't let us even attempt to educate them... why?
Baking Betty,
Thank you for taking the time to answer. However, your answer leaves me scratching my head. Do you honestly believe that anyone who owns a gun is "pro-Columbine murder, pro-VT murder, and pro-JFK assassination"??? That was the tone I took from your reply. Seems to me by that reasoning any boat owners out there are "pro-Titanic". Its also worth noting, that the criminals of Columbine and VT should never legally have been able to purchase or own those firearms, by the laws already on the books regarding ownership. Doesn't it look like law-enforcement needs to do its job? JFK was killed by two 6.5 Carcanno bullets fired from a bolt-action rifle - not a "semi-automatic weapon". Also worth noting that a gun, a knife, a car, is not a weapon until used as such. Cavemen made knives to kill but does anyone call them weapons all the time? There are millions of semi-automatics (and all types for that matter) that serve all gun owners alike for sporting and when needed self-defense
Re-read my message.I did not say a car is a weapon too.
I said a gun is no more a weapon than a car is UNTIL its used to harm someone. A car is a tool, a firearm is a tool - run someone over or shoot someone THEN and its a weapon. Same goes for knives - they were created to kill, hunt, cut things - but they are knives in daily life. Stab someone THEN its a weapon.
You cannot argue that ALL guns are created and purchased with the intent of harming. That arguement is poorly thoughtout and unreasonable. If that gun NEVER is used to harm someone it is not a weapon! Its a defining impossibility. Weapons are actually USED to harm someone. Thats no excuse not to treat firearms, as any machine with respect, but indicting every firearm, from competition trap guns to precision .22's to National Match M1A's and pistol, is pure idiocy.
A gun fired in SELF-DEFENSE becomes a weapon, but its justified! Police have no responsibility to protect us, as ruled in COURT! Hunting is lawful!