Did you know Yahoo Answers limits your Answers per day?

After work today I decided to relax by logging on to Answers. I answered a few questions and then left to go run errands and grocery shop. I logged back on earlier because I couldn't sleep. Answered a few more questions. A little while ago I tried to answer yet another question and found out Yahoo gives you a daily limit of how many questions you can answer a day based on your level. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of this site? Oh well, I quess it's for the best, maybe now I can get some sleep.


I log on about 3-4 times a week. I am somewhat particular on the questions I answer. I don't just answer a question with a simple yes or no just to get the points.


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They did that to weed out the people that give meaningless and useless questions and answers. Unfortunately, it doesn't work very well. Some people will start out good, just good enough to get through the answer limit. Later, they will begin to care more about points and less about helping people.


There are several reasons for the limits and the pros vastly outweigh the cons. 1. To give new users experience so they do violate themselves off the site the first day. 2. To prevent organized chat sessions between users using new accounts. 3. To prevent spammers, scammers, and porn kings from using new accounts and taking over the board with auto posting programs. 4. To promote people coming back to Yahoo so they see the ads more than once.


You can answer 20 a day until you reach 249 points then 40 per day up to 999 points, so the more points you accumulate the more questions you can answer.Good Luck enjoy..♥


click on your points and you get a break down of what you get and can do
you are still on a limit ,i can answer 1000 a week if i want ,but i dont get around to more than a 100 every 24 hours


Yes, I was aware of the daily limit. I've only ever reached it 2 or 3 times though.

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