I'm a caddie... should I help my golfer's cheat?

So a golfer asks me to put a ball down in a spot that would be in his favor. Clearly cheating. He is paying me to basically be his servant and I am supposed to do what he tells me.
I am an ethical person and I feel that I should refuse to cheat for a golfer. Fine. However, what about a round of golf where cheating is the norm. I'm talking about buddies who get more fun out of cheating and playing tricks on each other than winning. That is basically why they are there and they are all expecting each other to cheat. So is it OK?


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tell him to play by the rules or don't play at all


I'm guessing that her father made the decision, and I'm guessing it has to do with conflict of personalities. Golfers are at their best when they have a caddie that they mesh with both on a personal and professional level. Michelle Wie, being sixteen also needs a caddie who can help bridge the maturity gap by preventing her from making rookie mistakes. Since she has made a lot of them, this guy clearly wasn't doing that. Plus, golfers change caddies all the time - if she weren't in the media eye we'd never have heard about it.

cash money2007-05-15T19:20:35Z

wow i would have to say a definent NO i play golf in tournaments i'm only in high school and i hit about a 40 on a 36 par so i think i'm doing ok i know i'm not the best though but it realy ticks me off when i know i'm better then other people like they shoot an average 50 on a 36 par so i know i should be able to beat them but they freakin cheat and somehow wow the did much better a 36 on a 36 par wow they are good lol yeah that pisses me off........but if you're just playing for fun and just jacking around with your buddies then why not play games and cheat with one another......i played a game with a couple guys and my best freind bethany and we let each other take one throw per 3 holes so if you were doing bad instead of stroking the ball with the club you picked the ball up and chucked it as far as you could through lol....oh and i used to have these adidas shoes they were made with a hole in the heel of the shoe to were the border of the shoe had the sole but the inside didn't and it was just the right size to fit a golf ball in...i would go find my ball and step on it were it would stay in my shoe then i would walk like 20 yards and kicked my heal on the ground and the ball would fall out lol i got my buddies good they couldn't figure out how i hit that far lol but then at the end of the game i told them cuz it was all for fun and games......cheating is ok some times but definitaly don't do it in tournaments that could get u disqualified or even worse in some cases banned from the course


It's their game. If they want to cheat and that's an acknowledged part of the way they play, I'd say it's okay. If somebody changed a different rule for everybody playing in a group, would you honor their request? As long as it's part of their strategy... it's their game.

Heck, maybe getting the caddie on somebody's side earns points, or just getting you to play along is part of the deception.

Rick W2007-05-15T18:41:52Z

If there is nothing "on the line" here then I suppose I'd go along with it. As long as he's not the only one doing it.

However, if you are his caddy in any type of tournament, you'd better not comply. This is a game of integrity and honor. Perhaps the last truly honest game of the major sports in the world with all the steroids and drugs going on in football and baseball. Rmember the history of this great game and what makes it great.

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