Anybody notice how relieved Fox News was when Romney's votes finally topped Ron Paul's?

The Fox crew couldn't stand it that Ron Paul pulled to an early lead in the "voting" after the "debate." They kept denigrating him, and kept extending the voting until finally Romney passed for top spot. But they aren't addressing the fact that Paul is second, far ahead of Giuliani...

Of course, if this poll had been taken by some other (unnamed) network, how likely would it have been that the results would even have gotten reported as-received?

Does anyone detect media bias?


Wouldn't it be cool if young people voted, instead of merely texting each other? Maybe then the AARP wouldn't run the country.


Favorite Answer

If you believe that the majority of people that watch Fox News are conservative (I believe this would be a fair assessment), it really tells you what conservatives think. They are NOT at all happy with President Bush, the war in Iraq, huge government spending, and no real tax relief. They are tired of hearing the same nonsense from both parties about how the government is going to come into our lives and give us all this free stuff and make our lives so much better.

This is clearly not the way that Fox News wanted the poll results, but they displayed them anyway. I don't think a lot of networks would have reported poll results in their own poll that do not support the message they want to get across.


Media Bias.?? . What makes ya think that.?? .Not Only are The Askenazi Zionist Jews the MAJORITY of Busche's NaziFascist Regime (Wolfowitz-Zelikow-Perle- Abrams -- William"BottomsUp"Kristol, - the PNAC. etc etc. The "Bias" is The PreDominate Factor in U.S. Mass Media !! This Group of Askenazi Zionist/Jews, have "Blocked" The TRUTH Being Told to the American People, which is achieved by Zion OWNERS, such as: CBS, NBC, CNN, ABC. Also Jewish OWNED NEWHOUSE MEDIA EMPIRE Oversee what is Printed in Mags like: Parade, Self, GQ, Vogue, Madamoiselle, House & Garden, THE NEW YORKER, Glamour, Brides, The conde Nast Group.... ALSO 26 daily newspapers, 12 TV Broadcasting Stations, -Some of the Largest CABLE Networks, including 87 Cable TV Systems.. Fox Noise is The Biggest bunch of BS Propaganda. O'LIElly and that JerkWad Hannphaggity, should Be HUNG !!

Texas Guy2007-05-16T06:44:46Z

Yes, and the Fox website is not posting the poll results on the front page. You have to click 3 or 4 time to find them. No other networks are reporting the numbers either. But Ron Paul is way ahead on MSNBC.


I wish that they'd ask Paul about our overseas coverage. he's been ideal about us being on the incorrect route for years. i have by no ability stated as Ron Paul loopy yet I disagree with him on his social conservatism, which isn't element of being a Libertarian. i'm happy Dr. Paul will proceed to be in Congress. His voice is needed.


It would be a dream come true for me if Ron Paul got the nomination and the Presidency. America desperately needs a non-interventionist Libertarian running the country who has actually read and understood the Constitution.

Media bias is rampant. Fox is, of course, right-wing. Most other networks are left-wing. C-Span is pretty good, though. They're usually neutral.

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