What one thing that your parents did when you were young did you hate but now realize was for the best?

As a mother of 4, my perspective on my own parents has changed....I realize now my Mom was protective because she loved me & didn't want me to get hurt....she was overbearing because she desperately wanted to be a part of my life....she made me do chores so I would learn responsiblty and a good work ethic.

When I was 14, I asked to live with my Dad, who let me run wild, do whatever I wanted, smoke, drink, etc.....well of course that was much better than the rules, etc. at home. She said no. I hated (using that word loosely) her for years for it but at some point in my 20's it occured to me, what would I have become had she let me go? And then I realized how lucky I was that she made the decision she did.....does anyone else have one of these? thanks


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When i was about 14, my mother sent me to a private high school instead of the public high school all my friends were going to go to. I was extremely angry and upset about having to switch schools but my mom said it was for the best. The public high school was filled with issues and didn't have a very good educational program. I went to the private high school and hated all 4yrs of it. I realized though, on graduation day, how much i truly did enjoy it, the knowledge i gained and the wonderful colleges that i was accepted into, none of which would have happened had i gone to the public school.
I am a mother of 3 boys will a little girl due in September. I look back on all kinds of things my mother didn't allow me to do that I'm now not allowing my children to do. You realize as you become older and wiser the reason behind all of your parent's restrictions. They just wanted to keep your future bright.


i imagine your in a although mission reason they have already supported you by one undesirable relationship and likely are tierd of you no longer taking thier suggestion. It also seems that they are slightly over bearing and intrusive. Are those each of the excuses they don't approve? What could it count if he;s operating if he's financially guard. I question your judgement of economic safe practices although if he helps 5 toddlers...... (it may were some wide settlement to help that a lot of human beings for some thing of thier lives.) And at the same time as it includes your son; might want to he (your son) no longer come first for you in the previous any of his toddlers? So why might want to you or do you should (or they) assume any diverse from him in route of his toddlers? Does he have custody of his toddlers?...this can provide a dissimilar twist. And he has 5 toddlers? Who the heck does that anymore except they're residing in a third international united states of america?...what little you've reported about this guy is amazingly questionable. and could your dad rather disown you? purely you recognize this. My father has reported some issues in his previous to threaten or scare me into making desicions in accordance with what he might want to choose I do. some issues I do hearken to him about, yet different issues i have lengthy gone hostile to his desires and he nevertheless loves me.


Coming from the life that I came from, I have to honestly say that everything my mother did was for the best. She taught me how NOT to be a mother and that has played a huge role in how I mother my own children. Everything my mother did (as a drug addict and an alcoholic) caused me to want to be different and better. It made me set my goals higher because she expected the worst out of me.


There are a couple of things for which I will be forever grateful to my parents:

We had chores, and plenty of them.
We weren't allowed to even look at a video arcade in the mall, and going in meant risking certain punishment.
We had VERY high standards as to what a young woman should (and should not) wear.


I think every parent want the best for their children's. What I didn't like my parent to tell me not to do when I was young was not to date because I was to young and I have better thing to do. They though that boys only took time away from me and I will end up in to trouble. But it was because all parent want the best for their kids.

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