An old family mystery: Any info on Frank Connor, shot dead in 1935 in Birmingham, AL. Kin to "Bull Connor".
In 1935 my Grandmother, Clara Bates Hudspeth, was pregnant with my mother, Barbara, who was born in BIrmingham, Alabama on October 16, 1935. She was in a bad marriage to Ernest Arthur Hudspeth who worked as a train engineer there. They had two older kids, Ernest and Kathy. Our family recently found out that Clara was pregnant, not from her husband, but from a kindly man named Frank Connor. We heard that he was kin or brother to Bull Connor who was big in Alabama politics for years. Frank Connor approached Clara's husband one day to discuss the situation. Ernest Hudspeth pulled a pistol and shot Frank. He staggered back and hit his head on a high curb on the road and died outright. Clara gave birth to my mom, Barbara in October. Clara suffered oxygen loss and brain damage during the delivery. She was sent to an asylum, where she died a few years later. Her husband took up with his new wife Marie who abused my mother. (That's a horror novel there) Just want to know my Grandpa.