Letting it happen or plan it?

I know I still have some time (less than a year) before we are going to start TTC. I wanted to know what would be better (for those of you that have little ones or are currently trying)

Should we just let things happen on their own or should we plan it?

kylie a2007-05-24T14:42:40Z

Favorite Answer

its up to you the benefits of both are great..
planning it can lead to stress and dissapointment which in turn can throw out your cycle a little, but it is a great way to get to know your body and your partners body alot better.. but it may happen sooner
let it happen is great because it will be a suprise when you do become pregnant.... but it may take longer as you wont know when the right time is to do it and so on
what ever you decide i wish you luck and i cant wait to find out what you and your partner have decided...


I've had 4 that were planned and 2 that weren't. It was so much easier for both my husband and I to feel involved and connected to the pregnancies we planned. We didn't love the other two any less, we were just better prepared for the ones we planned. So I would say I would plan before just letting it happen. Of course, my definition of planning it is deciding to have one, and not using birth control methods. Basically feeling that if it happens, it happens. If you have decided to TTC in a year, you have essentially already planned it in my book.


My daughter was conceived on our honeymoon (not planned) born in July...I always wanted a baby in the spring time and would have liked them three years apart but once she turned three I knew I was running out of time LOL...so I started to plan for the second...I kept careful track of my periods and knew when during the month I would be ovulating and had a window of like 4 days TTC...with my son, it took I think about 3 months or so before he was conceived (which isn't bad because I heard it can take a lot longer) but because it didn't work out exactly how I planned I got another summer baby in August ;)


Really all depends on you. Answer these questions for yourself... Is there a certain time of year you would like the birthday? Is there a certain time of year that would be better financially? Is there a certain time of year that out of state family members (the ones you would really want to come) can come to b-day parties or the birth? Would you rather be far along or early in your pregnancy during the summer? There are a few of the questions you should ask yourself. If you answer no to all of the questions then you should just let it happen, but if you do have specific answers for them then you should "try" to conceive 9 months before that specific time.


I say just let it happen. I know many women who've TTC for years without success then gave up and conceived. My own sister is one such child. After 7 years of TTC, 1 failed adoption, 1 successful adoption, and my oldest sister was conceived within 3 months.

We tried TTC with our first, nothing. Gave up and conceived the very next month. We've just let it happen since.

Best wishes whichever way you decide. Children are hard work but are such blessings!

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