Do rose bushes have a tap root? I want to transplant some.?
Why is there yellow with black specks on the leaves on my roses?
Why is there yellow with black specks on the leaves on my roses?
A Well Lit Garden
Favorite Answer
No, roses do not have a tap root. The leaf discoloration sounds like black spot, a fungal infection. Black spots appear with fringed margins on the upper surface of the leaves and young stems. Yellow areas develop around the spots and the leaves may drop. Black spot is spread by splashing water, so avoid overhead watering. Prune out diseased tissue, and clean up fallen leaves. Here is a pict of black spot on rose:
You can transplant roses anytime in the autumn. Sounds like you need to feed your roses to get rid of the leaf discolouration.
that's maximum suitable to pass roses in November (except they're flowering). each and every of the leaves fall off, yet they get better interior the spring. do not provide up on yours, save it watered and it might desire to deliver out some new shoots. as quickly as those have leaves on them, minimize away the ineffective wood.