I am neither right or left but I swear if I hear Bush say one more time?

the I must do what is right for the country when talking about a plan that I am sure is wrong for the country I think I am going to vote for the next democrat running. Get a new speech writer geroge and stop insulting me. Does any man think that the American people should blindly go along and not have an opinion?


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Thank you. I'm neither left nor right but I'm tired of hearing the same thing.


Well, you certainly sound like you are more to the Left than the Right.
I do not believe that President Bush or many Republicans do what is best for the USA. They do what is best for the Republican Party. Our invasion and occupation of Iraq is not what is best for the USA; Saddam Hussein and friends did not attack us on Sep 11, 2001. Osama Bin Laden and Al Quada did.
I've also become numb with the whole notion Republicans have that President Bush should apparently be followed blindly and never criticized. It's startling to what lengths other Republicans will go to to defend this administration.
Unfortunately, I don't hold out much hope for my fellow Democrats. They seem to be afraid to stand up for what they believe in, whatever that is.


And if he kept changing what he said would you accuse him of flip flopping or being wishy washy? He has to keep saying some things because some people need to be told several times before it sinks in. Nobody expects the American people to blindly go along and not have an opinion. How can you be so sure the plan is wrong when it hasn't been fully implemented yet? I bet if you were playing baseball and your team was losing in the first inning you'd take your ball and go home. This is not a problem that can be solved overnight.


not sure which plan you are talking about? It it's fighting those who use terror to destroy freedom then I don't agree with you. If it's about the so called Illegal immigration plan to condone illegal activity and pardon over 20 million illegals and let them bring another 80 million here (family members) then yes this is a stupid plan and I agree with you. I don't know if it will matter who gets elected if we allow amnisty and politicians turn their back on the majority of Americans who want the borders secured first then deal with the illegals that are here 2nd. I will still have to vote for who ever has the most conservative values if one exists I am not so sure right now. All the Dems running have allready promised us all higher taxes not just the rich but ALL of us and I just can't live with that.


Hehe... I can just imagine this interview now:

Reporter: Mr. President, some people are afraid that your plan to protect puppies from traffic accidents by reducing the speed limit to 20 miles per hour throughout the country may cause lengthy commutes and interfere with productivity. How would you respond to their concerns?

Bush: There are some people in this world who hate puppies and have no regard for their safety. People are against this bill because they aren't interested in the wellbeing of our nation's puppies.

Reporter: But Mr. President, some people have suggested that the drawbacks of the proposed legislation outweigh the benefits, and it is the responsibility of pet owners to make sure that their pets don't run into the road.

Bush: We need to think about what's best for our puppies and right for our country. They're dismissing this plan without even giving it a chance to work.

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