Does it make you mad when someone answers you I dont know??
It does me, I mean why even answer then???
It does me, I mean why even answer then???
Steven's Love
Favorite Answer
It annoys me so much. It's just their way of getting an easy two points. I figure if you don't know the answer to the question then just pass on to the next one. It's a waste of time.
Y be mad? I mean please you ask em a question, rite? What are they suppose to do when they truly dun no the answer? Ignored you? Would tat be worse than I dun know? Come on, have more sense, when you are being asked a question you don't know, what are you gonna do? Ignored people who ask you, something u sound like doing cuz you said y answer? Or will u go to the worse path, utter sum bs?
I am pretty new to this site. Thought that it was a great place to go. I thought that you were supposed to answer any question that you might be able to help with. I know that the few questions I have asked I have gotten good advice. Sorry to waste your time.
well i dont know you or any1 else on the site iv any been using it since may and already had a few best answers, if you dont want people you dont know to answer your questions then dont post them on the internet, some people are acutally trying to help, we are not all after points
Yes,So when they ask me something even though I know the answer. I always say "I don't know aint that what you tell me".They get mad then.