How often should i water the chinese money trees?

i heard once a week im doing that but it seems to be too much water....the leaves are falling off


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The money tree, or Pachira Glabra is a tropical plant and needs plenty of water. I give mine a nice soaking once every 1 to 2 weeks - different condition (in the house or on the porch) will determine how often you need to water.

The best way to judge when to water a plant is to feel the soil. If it feels soaked hold off on watering. Sometimes potted plants will look moist and be hard as a rock. Don't ever water if there is already water in the dish below it. You'll get the feel for it soon enough.

The money tree will lose leaves as it grows - this is normal, but is annoying. You should see new leaves at the top coming in if it is in proper conditions (lots of light is good, but no direct sun).


Are those the same as bamboo trees? If so, I just change the water every few weeks. Mine is beautiful and growing like a weed.


It's hard to overwater a plant. If there is too much water, it's because there is no where for the water to drain out to. Check the roots of the plant and make sure to doesn't have root rot. Next make sure it is getting enough sun.