What is the youngest age you would feel comfortable leaving a child alone for the day at disneyland?

I'm thinking it would be around 12. What do you think? Are there any laws or Disneyland guidelines?


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I do not feel comfy leaving my child completly alone at this age.. They still are so unaware of the dangers that lurk even at the park..But are almost unheard of at this park..It also depends upon your own childs maturity level..I was set lose in parks at the age of 13 on my own..But those were diffrent times.
Saftey guidlines should be talked about as well as a cell phone.. Dinsney also gives you some safty devise on your child yours maybe to old.. they are free to go if a securty guard pics them up as alost child at the age of 13 at Disneyland...here is what they say..
If the child is under 12, cast members are instructed to take the child directly to Lost Guests and make the child wait until a parent or group member arrives. Make sure that you inform your child to go immediately to a Cast Member when they can not find you. If you have lost an older member, over the age of 13, they will be allowed to sign a log at City Hall and leave. When you are unable to find a member of your party and you have checked Lost Guests, the Cast Member at Lost Guests will contact security and the entire park will be alerted about your lost family member.
Another idea for helping you keep your group together is dressing everyone in distinctive colors, like bright primary colors, neon colors or a group t-shirt. If the older members of the group won't do this just make sure you do have something special for the younger group members, since they tend to get lost a little bit easier. Distinctive coloring allows you to find someone who has wandered off.


I think 12 is young. Disneyland is a big place, and can be more stressful than a lot of people think. plus, there's an awful lot of people. i'd say 14 or older, assuming the 14-year-old in question is responsible enough. although i'm sure tons of people would argue that not until 16 or 17 should they be left alone. there are definitely reasons to agree with that, but if the 14-year-old is really responsible, then maybe that would be okay.




I'm not sure about Disneyland guidelines, but I would not be comfortable leaving my child alone at Disney for the day. I would be paranoid and call her every second. Ha. 16 at the YOUNGEST. But barely that.


never never never , at no age should a parent leave a child alone at a mall , disney land etc , u never know wha tcould happen so many things happen everywhere u go , now days kids getting molested in church in mc donalds bathrooms airport bathrooms etc , so i would say never , if u r talking bout lettign her seperate from the group i would set a meeting place where u can meet up like every 2 hrs , if u have cell phones i would sugest u call one another like every 30 minutes or so to let one another know exactly wher e u r at the park , another thing if your droping her off is she with friends what are hter e friends like do u knoiw them are they trust worthy and responsible , rember the buddy system at all time be it walking to school , going shoping etc , 2 is better than one but the more pepole she knows that are around her the better chances of something not happening , have a meeting time and place to meet your daughter if u do leave her alone and also tell her to not leave unless she hears from u and only u

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