What attracted you to Yahoo!Answers, and your reason for continuing to hang out here?
**** I expect I will find a lot of great answers from all of you. So, it may be I feel that points would be a waste of time trying to hand out on this question.**** Me?! I have found people here who are similar to the people I knew before, before they moved on to where there was work. Only difference, is, I haven't seen any of the contacts hanging around on the block in my land life neighborhood. Me?! I am doing the best with what I have learned to assist anyone that I can, here too. The best part is, I am learning more, about people, you, and me, from all of you, too.
Favorite Answer
I started out on YA just to see what it was like and to unwind and relax a little. It was fun sharing information and opinions, and when I started to run across questions where my answers actually seemed to be of benefit to other people, it was a really good feeling. Over time, I kind of got to know a few of the other people on-line and it's developed into an entire new circle of friends, each with their own unique personality. It's not the same as the friends you know and see regularly, but it's great fun and very interesting.
I had a technical question I searched the internet for & YA seemed to have the best answer, but I needed an account to read the answer, so I made one. It wasn't until a year later that I asked my 2nd question about something more serious & I Loved the support & encouragement I got, that I didn't have anywhere else. I also learned a lot about people in general, like you said. I also used to think I was different from everyone else, & I found out I'm a lot like other people! I also like helping other people or just supporting & encouraging others. And of course, it's FUN! I get a lot of laughs here!! I don't plan to leave anytime soon
Plain and simple, I love people. I have had a rough life, learned a few things, and if I can prevent one heart from being torn out the way mine has been, then it's worth every minute I spend on here!
Something to do then it became more interesting when i could create and change my avator. I love to earn points even though there is nothing in it. Its just an acheivement to be able to strive to the next level. More so than anything i enjoy being able to help others with their problems.