I don't Now what to get my mom for her b-day!!HELP?

My moms b-day is in a week ! What do you get your mom for her b-day?


Favorite Answer

If you don't have any money ... make her a coupon book for household chores or make her a CD of songs you think she might like. Offer her a foot rub! Mom's LOVE that!

If you have money ... get her something you know she loves but doesn't get herself very often. (Chocolate ... a massage ... a maid for a day???)

Good luck - Just make sure you give her a big hug with whatever you do and tell her you love her.


That depends on your age, how about give her a day of you doing the cooking, cleaning, anything she would normally do. Just a nice relaxing day.


I made my mom a picture frame with pictures of me and her when we were little doing like the same things...riding a pony, in the tub, running thru a sprinkler...she loved it!


depends wat she likes jewlry,kitchen apliances,a collection that she has!!!