L.A.: Anti-illegal/homelessness march stopped by pro-illegal group, what will it take to get peaceful march?

Downtown L.A., over the weekend a peaceful anti-illegal and anti-homelessness march and rally by citizens with a permit was blocked by illegal group who had greater numbers. Police finally told anti-illegal marchers group to leave due to threats by the pro-illegal group. Four people in the anti-illegal group were arrested. The Illegal group had signs with words: racists, kkk, go to europe, American flags on ground and upside down saying this is their land we stole it, communist flags, anti Black slogans. What can citizens do?


Link: www.abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=local&id=5416103






please use the 2nd and 3rd details for full link to demonstration story.


P.S. The pro-illegals were calling the police pigs and all the usual acting out.


Favorite Answer

March on the governors office demanding illegals be sent back.
They are leaches to society.
Demand the law be upheld
Demand the police do their job and check resident status of any opposition.
If not, file charges against the police for dereliction of duty and try again once it makes the news that police had a prime opportunity to uphold the law but chose to ignore it. This in effect is aiding and abetting criminals.
Make the charges public.
Keep the pressure up by using the media, they love dirty stories


Well, what do you want to do about it? escalate it?

The way to bring about change is with comprehensive immigration reform, which anti-illegal groups oppose because it grants amnesty.

Why do anti-illegal groups oppose amnesty? It has been done before in the U.S., unfortunately it was not followed by a proper reform of the actual immigration system in this country.

Any basic understanding of demographics affecting the U.S. labor force makes it clear that immigration is important for economic growth in this country, and that mass deportations would (a) cost an incredible amount of money to U.S. tax payers and (b) be very detrimental to U.S. companies which, rightly or wrongly, employ illegal immigrants.

What is needed is some rationality. There are fringe groups which have latched on to the "pro-illegal" groups that could potentially devolve the discussion. It is also perfectly understandable that illegal immigrants find themselves in the frustrating position of coming to a country where thousands of companies willingly hire them, while facing calls for deportation.


I live in Los Angeles.
It would be better to have protests in Mexico City instead of Los Angeles. The heart of the problem is in the Mexican government's failure to address its wealth redistribution problem -- its wealthiest must be taxed, and the money spent on a "New Dealism" sort of infrastructure building.

Offizier J.E.2007-06-25T18:32:45Z

You know what, LA Cops should have arrested the illegal immigrants not the Anti-illegals!

It is NOT their land because for one thing the Native Americans were here first! Im Cherokee Indians myself, so those Illegals are really beginning to offend me with their words of land ownership.

They think it's ok to come here steal jobs, and our tax money. They are so selfish! They think it's their land and it is most certainly NOT! We need to get some citizens to volunteer to take classes to carry an M-4, and then give them a license to kill anyone who comes across the mexican border and tries to cross the border illegally.

barry c2007-06-25T18:34:37Z

I can be thankful I don't live in California. You can continue with the peaceful protests and communications of all types to law enforcement and legislators both local and national. We are all trying to defeat this amnesty bill.

If it passes, it will definitely be against the known will of the people.

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