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They are all very strict!!!!!
My wife use to work with the Pottawatomi boxing commission here in Oklahoma. they were pretty strict. All tribal commissions are independant, so some are stricter than others. I doubt if any are quite as strict as Nevada or Jersey or NY.
It all boils down to the $$$. If you have a lever long enough and a place to stand you can move the world. In today's world money is the lever and the place to stand. If you have a pile big enough you can pretty much write your own ticket.
In Michigan, the tribal boxing commissions working out of the area casino's usually follow the state run precedence, but not completely. Like everywhere else it has it's shady sides, but primarily discrepancies are a show of autonomy not an attempt to undermine or weaken State and Federal law. Unfortunately the Joe Mesi's and Evander Holyfield's of the world eventually reap the rewards of their persistence one way or another.