I found out recently that someone I interact with quite a bit over the internet wasn't the same as they let on

This caused me to wonder about something. If you suddenly found out that I was really a sixty-five year old retired prostitute from Des Moines with one bad eye and a limp, would my answers still hold value? Would my "friends" and "fans" continue to look for my postings? Would my change in status cause me to be "persona non grata" to the YA community? Does our value depend on our acceptability, or do we have value based on the portion of our souls that we share? Just wondering.


Ok, I confess, I haven't retired yet.


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your questions and answers are directly from you anyways, it's a different story if you plagearized them and posted as your own. but your physical appearance, civil status or anything that you wish you be private should be respected. i bet most people here dont give as much personal information to anybody because this is a question and answer site, not a meet-a-friend, hook-up or dating game site. so whoever or whatever you are dont matter just as long as you present yourself in a decent way. you have to right to privacy, and using a facade is just a way of keeping the mystery.
you can be my friend even i i dont see you or mingle with you. the time we spend interacting with our questions and answers are enough for me to value you as real and a good friend.

fire and ice2007-07-11T09:26:06Z

I think that while the person might have done wrong to you personally that doesn't mean it should affect y&A. However as for them lying to you , you shouldn't believe what anyone tells you at face value. You can only hope that they are a good person. It is so easy for somebody to be so deceptive over the internet, that being said keep in mind that they really don't know you either so they may not want to tell you the truth completely so that they are still protecting themselves. How do they know that you are who you say you are. Over the internet the only thing that can be relayed without consequences is your personality. I hope you didn't give out your personal information(address, name, etc.)
I think though that you should confront this person about them lying to you, keeping in mind that being a prostitute,65,etc doesn't make them less of a person. It's really if they are a good person or not, try not to be too harsh on them, they already had a hard enough life as it was being a prostitute and all. Sometimes people reach out to other people because they need to be needed but they are not very open to people because they have been hurt too many times before so they create this false persona until they are sure you are a nice person. Also, you should learn a lesson from all of this and be careful as to what information you give out to somebody. Not being judgemental here as a friend just asking you to be more careful but asking you to be kind hearted toward the person who deceived you as you don't know the real reason behind their lies but still take every precaution to protect yourself. always your true friend. me. Try to have a good day hope this doesn't ruin it for you.


Not at all, for all I know you are "really a sixty-five year old retired prostitute from Des Moines with one bad eye and a limp." The qualities I look for in a good answer (or question for that matter) have nothing to do with aesthetics or career choices. It's all about intellect and wit; and you seem to be doing just fine.


I think we should not elevate this Yahoo exchange to the level of professor/student relationship. reading certain questions and answers creat some thoughts in us and we share them.The name or the personality behind is og little importance to us.

If you have read a book called "Blink" you might have noted the author`s research into human mind. he says that many of us go by a certain preconceived ideas and we react accordingly. Our belief system , our comfort felings are all conditioned by what we see in the other. Luckily in this Yahoo exchange we donot see the person behind the words and we ponder over the words and the meanings . That is all.

If , for example, I were to look at the picture along side your name , Farm bred-grainfed, in my mind I am not able to match the two. What is he trying to express? manliness?

Secondly, even if you happen to be a Des Moines prostitute should you not have a view of your own? Can you not philosophise? In fact more so when you would think why men ( or women) are so crazy about a few minutes pleasure and are willing to risk things?


I agree with teepeetop and aLVaRo. I don't even look at avatars mostly you can put any thing up there why should that matter? And as long as you give good answers I don't see where that would matter at all. And if you're friends and fans don't continue to look there not true friends or fans. That is one thing that a lot of people seem to forget when on the Internet you can talk to any one. you have to remember that they can say there 55 and really be a 12 year old or so on. But i personally believe there are good people and true out there and on here.
Just My thoughts

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