What is wrong with me >_<???

Hey everyone!!!!

My doctors really don't know what is wrong with me. This has been going on now for almost 10 months this mid July. It is a very long story of what happened to me so all I'm going to do is list the almost 40 symtoms I have and I know you guys aren't Medical Doctors but at this point I'm very desprate. Please answer this w/ all seriuosness and don't take atvantage of me! Later I might include my story.

-Headache(after standing up from ither a laying or sitting position)
-High Blood pressure (even after being on Nifedipine, asprin, and fish oil for months my BP normaly runs around 160/100 something)
-skin discoloration upon cold or stress (blue, white, pruple, and dusky gery color)
-Raynaud's phenomenon like features
-rashes upon sun exposure in odd patterns (even under my clothes or when I take hot shower
-scalley rashes (face, trunk, thighs, and butt)
-different rashes in shower (black splotchy all the way up to my thighs sometimes this happens when I'm cold)
-vomiting-clubbing and yellowing toenails(my tips of my toenails look like they are pulling away)
-chronic pain in feet (tingling and achyness never go away)
-rough skin on the tops of my feet( where they trun splotchy black) this occures even when the skin colr is normal
-lack of appitie (can't eat much)
-unable to sleep well ( get about 4 to 5 hours of sleep)
-abnormal sweating (underarms, feet, hands, and sometimes arms and legs)
-hair loss
-chest pain upon exertion
-random feavors
-haveing issues concentrating
-musclar atrophy in calves and thighs
-incerase in feet pain and new pains in hands upon exertion
-adema-swelling joints
-cracking,popping, snapping of joints
-lack of energy
-At times looseing the comple ability to walk
- right lymthnode in my neck is sowllen
-fluttering sensation in chest upon exertion, if I get up too quicky or when i get too hot
-lower back pain
-neck pain (collarbone region)
-high pulse rate 117 at times
-abdomenal pain
-pain in joints
-looseing the prefierial pulses in both feet at times
-I can't walk normaly. I walk on my heels. I cant walk with my feet flat.
-early signs of depression
-mental confusion and disorentation

Thats about it. All my 17+ doctors are sending me to Duke Medical Research hospital this fall. I'm only 17 years old and fixing to be a senior in high school this fall. It gets frustrating going to my doctors and all they can do is shrug their sholders at me. I have been atmitted to the hospital and have been rushed multipal times to the ER. You all must know what is like to not feel people understand you. Please give thought upon this matter. It would be most apprecialted!!!


Oh yeah, you know that above I mentioned that there was rough skin on the top of both feet? well when I steped out side today for a little air/sun, I looked down and the places on my skin that were rough, are now yellowing. I also noticed areound my heels the skin is yellowing too. My feet also looked very dusky and black in some places. I figgured thsi might help you guys/gals ^_^ in your thoghts/opinons of what is wrong w/me.




I have all ready been tested for one type of proferia. They know I don't have cancer b/c of my bloodwork. I have all ready had an MRI which was normal. I have had over hundreds of blood tests. When I go to the doctors they will draw 12 to 14 tubes of blood at one time.

Morning Glory2007-07-18T02:28:15Z

Favorite Answer

Have you been tested for FOS syndrome?


Oh honey im sorry that this is happening to you. I dont know if what im going to tell you will help at all but I do get some of the symptoms you have. I dont know if it is related in anyway to what might possibly be wrong but the symptoms I get are when I bend over to tie my shoe or something I black out and sometimes just fall or pass out. My lymph nodes would swell also making it hard for me to turn my head and it would hurt when I would breathe in. I had test run on me and one of the test that I had was an ekg. The doctor found that my heart rate was going way to fast exspecially at night. I was put on heart medication called (propranolol). Again I dont know if any of this will help in any way but I really hope it does. I am very sorry to hear that you have all these symptoms and I hope what ever it is it gets taken care of. Oh and before I go I also had to go to an oncologist and I had to have a MRI to have my head scanned to make sure I didn't have any tumors or anything. Have a full body scan and have every test perfomed on you until you find out what is wrong. Get well.

Pilgrim Traveler2007-07-22T08:40:25Z

First of all hon, don't give up! All of the symptoms you described can be caused by stress in your life. You mentioned you had a connected story that I'm guessing contains some type of mental/emotional/physical trauma. While continuing with the medical tests, I would suggest you start thinking of an emotional cause and see a holictically oriented licensed counselor, minister or psychotherapist. You need to find a good one that you trust and feel comfortable with. I know that there are people who love you and need you. God loves you as a special child, no matter what has happened. I will pray for your healing as well. peace.


Wow. Well, while I don't know the cause of some of these symptoms, some of them sound like severe panic attack disorders and stress. But with that list of symptoms, those are probably normal to be having. Have they checked your liver enzymes? The Yellowing is a symptom of liver disease. (Not saying that it couldn't mean other things as well.) Is this something that started gradually or did they all appear about the same time just out of the blue?


Have your doctors checked you for Hughes Syndrome (antiphospholipid syndrome)? You may have sticky blood which would explain a lot of your symptoms.
I'm assuming that your 17 doctors already checked your iron levels and for Lupus and Porphyria.
Another thing to consider is that you have some time of bodywide nerve damage which is effecting your systems like sweating, heart rate, etc.
It wouldn't hurt to get checked for Celiac Disease too.

Heat can also cause skin rashes, but would not explain your other symptoms.

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