I put an "impeach Bush" bumper sticker on my car Friday. Sunday morning my cars windshild was smashed
is this just a coincidence? I live in a nice area for 7 years and have never had any acts of vandellism at my house before. (except a minor incident with a pumpkin on Halloween) Should I continue to place bumper stickers on my car? Does this happen more than I realize?
I do have a garage and am using it now. It was full of tools and boxes, bikes and a tred mill. I don't think I deserved it. I would never consider doing anything to anyone elses property. I like the Idea of getting full coverage but the D--- insurance company would just raise my rates.
I am surprised nobody thinks it is a coincidence. Not even the more conservitive folks.
I have 1000 deductable so I am paying. I did call the police, but as far as I know they have not caught anyone.
I live in Missouri, In the SW corner of the state. near Joplin. I would say most of my nighbors are conservative, but are not political. My neighbor next to me put up a sign endorsing the republican canidate last cycle, no one else puts out signs at all. (i guess i know why!) I know my neighbor would not do this.
Pangloss (Ancora Imparo) AFA2007-07-16T21:24:12Z
Favorite Answer
I had a bumper sticker that said "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" and one that said "Buddha is my co-pilot". Both were ripped off my car, damaging the bumper in the process. I asked why anyone would do that- who would be threatened by Gandhi and Buddha. A co-worker admitted it was probably a Christian. She went on to say that some Fundamentalist Christians feel they have an obligation to remove material they deem offensive to God and that her church actually supports this type of activity. I have replaced the bumper stickers and hope to catch someone in the act. My religion teaches forgiveness, and filing charges against vandals. Bridge honey- the bumper sticker was freedom of speech, destroying another person's property isn't.
It's too bad your windshield got smashed. I've heard of this happening to others as well. Did it happen at your house or in a parking lot? Does your insurance cover it? Did you file a police report?
The worst I had happen was someone ripped off my "I Heart John Kerry" bumper sticker in a parking lot. Since then I haven't put anything of a political nature on my car because I know I can't risk any vandalism.
I doubt if it was a coincidence. I can just picture the moron who did it. White, middle aged male, with anger management problems, with beefy forearms and a pot belly, a veteran, drinks Bud lite, fights with his wife, Baptist, and goes around saying f*** those damn liberals...makes Archie Bunker look good, and actually agrees with him.
I live in the Bay Area and you see bumper stickers like that all the time, or even better. That sort of thing is probably very rare here, because most people are intelligent, educated liberals who wouldn't dream of doing such a thing. A bumper sticker in support of Bush would rally raise some eyebrows, but people wouldn't gt violent about it, I am pretty sure. More than likely, they would laugh like hell.
Sorry about your bad luck. Do you live in the South or the mid west? Just curious. I would use caution if you put any more stickers on your car, but then again, it is a shame to let the bastard win. I advise another sticker, and a cam corder. Catch him on tape if you can. Otherwise, proceed with caution.
It probably wasn't a coincidence, but one can't be sure. I guess you know now that putting political stickers, or any stickers that could irritate or anger someone is not a smart thing to do. If you must put a sticker on your car make it one that promotes peace, not anger. I however still don't put any stickers on my car.