I need ideas on topics on Philosophy.?

Any ideas on hot recent topics/arguements?


Favorite Answer

Fundamentalist mentalities

Ayn Rand's Objectivism

The Enlightenment

Topics regarding liberty (Individual rights)

Ego vs Group dynamic


How about...

"Why do people usually ask about the meaning of life from other people when they could answer the question themselves by looking at how they are giving meaning to their lives by the way they are living their lives?"


"Our lifespan on this earth usually reaches only up to 90 years. Isn't that too short a time to live? Why is it so? And where do we go afterwards?"


"Why are some people unusually gifted and is able to do telekinesis, mind-reading and future prediction? How are they able to be those?"


"Who is there to ask about the many questions humans have been asking for thousands of years? Is there really final and sufficient answers to those questions? When will those questions be answered and how?"

and lastly...

"Why is it that people easily believe in the presence and works of the devil but is hard to convince about the existence of God?"


You can talk about the problem of choice, are we freee to take a choice ar everything is meant to be like that


Cheney / Bush war crimes. Should they be prosecuted??