Does LOVE grow in us or we GROW in LOVE?

if both, how should the sequence go..
Love growing first... or we growing first?

Davis Wylde2007-07-29T04:03:50Z

Favorite Answer

I THINK (I emphasize that word THINK) that we grow in love. It teaches us HOW to get along with the loved on- or lose them. It makes us examine HOW to better the person we love without erasing the essence which we love about them. I can think of many more things in this manner; but I think you get my point. Each person is challenged to GROW to accommodate the love and if the call is not answered then it is not meant to be. However it is never a reflection on the other person or on the idea of love. It is ALL about how much we're willing to grow- spiritually, emotionally, personality wise, in acceptance, in patience, in tolerance and most importantly- the one key ingredient of not only love but also humanity -how much we're willing to grow in COMPASSION.

Good question, I dig it... and I hope it makes people stop and think a bit before they answer.


Love is embedded within our being. It is something that without knowledge of we have and sometimes it is never expressed in this life time.

A believer in eternity I understand that there is need for humans to experience the ups and down of love. and what it can and cannot be. One, as a baby knows love, but senses it as a need to survive, a mother looks at her baby and understands this is her off spring but that love she feels come in small steps, as she realizes the treasure and the wonder of a baby and she grows to love the very thing that she gives birth to in a way that she never thought she could-love.

Both must be nourished and taken care of. Realized and expressed, felt and desired and give and not take. Love does not want and love does not fault, (as the poet says), for to love is in itself the satisfaction of life. And if only we love we have had a life far beyond most of those that will live on earth today, yesterday and tomorrow. And eternity will be filled with joy for once having loved.


Both. At first it may seem that we don't need love. But as we grow and see love grows within us. Things begin to look sweeter and in many ways its better than any pill. Literally "floating" our love grows and even though we don't always notice it, we begin to grow too. We stand taller and speak firmer. Love has taken our hearts.


I think that Love, grows in us, and after wards, we, Grow in Love. I would like to explain it, but I am so sleepy that I will have too close the tabs on my Computer. Have a Good night, sleep and keep on sending this questions my way.



First love grows in us. We love ourselves, we love others. Love is nourished and flourishes within us. Then, while in love, we grow as people. We become greater than ourselves. Our power increases. People talk about two people becoming one but it's not that way at all, love shouldn't make you half a person, two halves becoming whole. Love should make you more than whole, greater than you are. With the love and support of someone else, you can achieve so much more, reach heights you never imagined...You don't lose yourself to someone, you find yourself and cultivate your soul more than ever.

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