Read the rest of the question and choose the fate of humanity...?

If you were given the choice between letting the human race survive in utopian happiness, with love and health and all "good" things for the next 10,000 years and then die out in painless bliss, or allowing it survive for 50,000 years with the current level of war, killing, disease, hate, and other “bad” things, before being slowly frozen to death by nuclear winter, which would you choose? What if it was the same choice but with time periods of just 10 and 50 years?


I'm afraid I'm not smart enough to choose a best answer... I don't fricken know which is better. From an evolutionary standpoint, whatever makes the species last longer would win, but since we've learned to "outsmart" evolution in so many other ways, maybe ????


I want to pick lots of best answers!!! I'm going to have to put this to the vote.


Favorite Answer

Wow, you are twisted for coming out with this crap...but I like it! Ok, here is my reasoning. You could say the happy utopia because either way the world is going to end, and it might was well be a peaceful, enjoying place rather than dragging on and on, just to die a slow painful death. That's like chosing to drug yourself to death, so you die all doped and happy, rather than sit there in agony and die or cancer or whatever.

I think the right answer is suppose to be something like " The 50000 years because it's longer and there is always some happiness in all the chaos of the world" but that's crap. Give me utopia anyday.


Try to think of the most horrific thing you can think of. watching your parents beheaded, watching as your little 7 yr. old girl being raped then murdered or maybe watching a loved one being doused with gasoline and set on firie. you have a lot you could choose from. It's all has happened and even worse things and will continue to happen as long as mankind exist.The choice isn't 10 or 50 yrs or 10,000 or 50,000 yrs. The choice is only NOW. Death for all of mankind this very second would be a blessing. Mankind was a mistake.

Saren Arterius2007-07-25T07:37:17Z

there is no such thing as a utopia because not everyone is the same...for it to be a utopian civilization many people would have to die in order to make sure that only those with the same thoughts and ideas would be left so they could truly have a utopian happiness. it would probably be a result of a genocide
that would create such a world which is unacceptable even if the world is messed up.
i'd prefer the world just as it is right now. with many different people with many different things that can bring them happiness.......but maybe i could be reading to much into this question.......just ignore me if it seems like a foolish response...i feel it is, but i want to answer anyways


I would chose the second choice, but i might not choose at all. I have hope--thought not much of it--that humanity might pull through our current "situations"(its not good to rationalize but im lazy). Living in a lie and in ignorance is hell. Its just not right. We must life through pain and suffering no matter how dreadful it is. Its like a marathon, in the end, after all that painful struggling, we can stand triumphant and proud that we survived life. But we cant just forget about every individual. God, supernatural beings, and aliens(if an advance space faring race exists) have the power to decide our fate, but they do not. Free will. Existentialism. Faith. Put faith in humanity, no matter how corrupt, crippled, and perverted it becomes. In the end civilization will die like a pheonix and be reborn anew, even if it was destined to fall in the same path. Samsara they call it. The never ending cycle of life, death, and rebirth; of pain and suffering. I just know it as life. It would just be wrong and undignifying to a mans right as an individual if we decide their fate. That would deny their existance as an individual, and put them on the level of property. We dont want that to happen again do we? I would be damming humanity if i chose either choice, but might i be damming myself if i didnt choose at all(guilt and regret kills). But we should follow our own belief system, and since im just an insignificant person. Its a paradox that i believe in existentialism but deny myself choice(maybe choosing not to choose is not the same as not choosing at all)


Human beings by choice and by what they are made,civilized,and God fearing with so many moral laws in place would never prefer war, killing,disease, hate etc which is the domain of psychologically disturbed souls.
The world is a place to live and let live and 99% of them will prefer total bliss and love for all and the life span of either10,000 years or 10years doesn't matter.Its the quality of life rather than quantity anyone would prefer.

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