Are these HCG levels normal??

Do these levels seem like they are normal and going up appropriately? I'm waiting to hear back from my doctor. Thank you.

20 dpo (4 weeks 6 days)-1392

48hours later
22 dpo (5 weeks 1 day) -2557

79 hours later
25 dpo (5 weeks 4 days)- 5779


Favorite Answer

looks good, those look like a normal pregnancy rise in hcg. you really need an ultrasound to look at the pregnancy to know for sure but I would bet it is a normal pregnancy. by the time you have one, you should be able to easily see the pregnancy as it would be visible by now with a vaginal ultrasound though you wont see heart beating until it gets around 14,000. very nice way you put the numbers up and the hours between, btw. and i like that you left out all the insignificant little details like whatever little pains you have, what kind of discharge blah blah blah.


The HCG level should double every two days. At least in the beginning this is true.


These hcg levels look great - Congrats!!!


Sorry to tell you, but I am unable to help you..Sure there is a doctor or a nurse that reads this, answers your question......
Sorry Honey!