Is there anyone running for office more politically inept than Cindy Sheehan?

She's dedicating her campaign to the people of Iraq and Afghanistan – in just which country is she running for office?


Uh, news flash . . . "Bush" isn't running for any office, idiot.


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no, she wins the prize.


Yes, Pelosi, the mayor of San Francisco, and all those smelly, matronly church ladies that try to run the arts in America.

We already have a politician obsessed with Iraq--Bush.

Oh, never mind, let's just face it, they're all looking inept these days.


Wonder how she could do any worse than the last six and one half years. Bush got us in one war and now he is itching to get us in another. Where did all the so-called professional politicians get us? Give me a politically inept any day.

Brett C2007-08-10T20:14:02Z

She's just another in a long line of individuals who, due to an unfortunate situation have been duped by the left into campaigning for something or someone that will probably never be there for them in the future. She's just being used and played. Sad.


Apparently John McCain and Mitt romney

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