What kind of woman knowingly dates a married man? What kind of whore does that?

I mean really. How can a woman with three children of her own, do that to another family? I am already divorcing him. I had the papers drawn up 2 days after I found out. He is out on his asss. I will take him for everything he has in court.

But, what kind of woman would do that? I can't for the life of me, imagine doing that to someone's family. I could never knowingly date a married man, especially one with small children. What kind of a person does that?

What kind of desperate whore could do something like that?

We just renewed our vows in March. MARCH.....5 FREAKING MONTHS AGO..


Favorite Answer

OK, cinccy. Now we are with you.

All the women are here -- pro and illegal -- are with you and on your side. I guarantee it. (and if one of you women posts anything snide right now you'll have me to answer to.....)

Yes she's a whore. A used, skanky "that woman has a disease" piece of garbage.

But PS. She didn't take a vow with you. He did.

Let's meet up for target practice girl friend.


It's the responsibility of the husband and wife to respect and protect their vows. You don't know what your husband said or his motivation. Sorry, that it happened. For a person who has never been married. I know married men who doesn't even wear their wedding rings, men who are still seeking another and others who openly have girlfriends. I'm kind of scared to get married because I hear and see too much drama in relationships. I think people like the idea and the preparation of getting married but not actual being married. I don't know... I've learned that no matter what, you have to make sure your life is straight so if doesn't work out you will still be alright. P.S men can also be whores... they just don't know how to get away from getting caught. I guess you caught yourself a bad fish. I also learned that regardless, people will do what they WANT to do. Sorry For those who are respecting their vows... Your awesome!!!!



I would have to say it is just as much the fault of your Husband as the W****. I am sorry that you are going through this I know it will be tough on you and the children.

BUT...(SMILE)........Payback is a B****. Lets see during the divorce you should get the house, car, custody of the children, perhaps alimony, plus child support. Sounds like your X's lifestyle is about to take a down turn and rightly so.

Its bad enough to mess with a married person but it takes a real S*** to knowingly mess around with a married person who has little children in the mix.

Your X and his GF are both scum.

343 Remember2007-08-15T20:30:27Z

WOW! The whole situation sounds devastating. It is truly unfortunate. There are all types of people out there.

I am not sure what state you are in; however unless there was a prenuptial or you are the primary earner.. you more than likely will not be able to take him for everything he's got. If you take your children, you will be able to get quite a bit; however do not make it a you hurt me emotionally personally, therefore it will take a financial lump sum to correct it. Be better, yes you are upset; however rather than revenge, just move on.

Your children do not need to witness a horrendous battle between their parents. Make sure you are not down talking their father to them.. yes, he is a pig.. but he is still their father.

There are some women that seek out married men.. and there are others that just end up with a married man; however without sticking up for those women.. I have to ask: Why does it concern you? She did not make a promise to you. Nor did she renew her vows to you. All too often people focus on the 3rd person rather than on the person that promised to love, honor & obey.

Who cares what kind of person would do that. I am more concerned with the type of person this affair is causing you to be. Yes, I would be furious, sad, crazy, skeptical, angry etc.. but at least you know.. do what you need to protect yourself and leave the revenge stuff alone.

It will be hard and it sucks.. but be better and take the high road.

I wish you well!


First of all....my condolences.....no one deserves that emotional abuse. Hope you can find peace in knowing you're rid of both those whores.
It seems even if a guy or girl has a good partner already, they want what they "don't have at the time" Its about pure selfishness, and spiritual immaturity.
If a person can't overcome the temptations of this world, they will be the lost souls.
As for yourself, save your own soul and sanity. Don't let a few
of the worst examples of "mankind" get in your way. I wish for your heart to heal, and the blessings of God.

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