When is the best time to tip the bartender?

I'm going to a wedding this weekend with an open bar. When would be the best time to tip the bartender? Usually I tip per drink, but would it be okay to give a larger tip (probably $15-20) when I get my first drink, or maybe at the end of the night? I am not bringing a purse, so I don't want to keep going to my date to get my money to go tip the bartender.

Thanks for any advice!


Favorite Answer

Tip him in the beginning, that way he'll remember you and keep your flow of drinks coming. Tipping isn't required, but the bartender will appreciate it greatly.

Lady G2007-08-17T06:58:03Z

Yes, while it's an open bar the family should be taking care of it. You'll find you get faster service if the bartender sees you put something in the tip jar, or a tip is given to the bartender, after each drink. True, he's doing his job but it's always nice to show you appreciate what they're doing.


There should be a tip glass. Just tip at first drink. The bartender will know that you are not playing from there. Have fun!

Classy Granny2007-08-17T21:44:17Z

Unless there is a tip jar on the bar it is a safe bet that the tip has already been taken care of. If there is a tip jar and you'll be having several drinks, $5 would be a generous tip and it really doesn't matter when you give it.


Most of the time at an open bar they should'nt except tips, but if they are, tip big the first time (estimate how many drinks ya gonna have and times that by 2) and make sure they notice, they will make sure to take care of you for a while.

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