Why is George W blamed for everything?

Why are people so misinformed that they blame him for everything that goes wrong?
Lincoln was a very unpopular president as well. Will we look back at GW the same way?


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Many people blame Bush simply because he is of the opposition party.

Some people blame Bush because of what he has done, or failed to do -- or what they think he should have done and didn't.

As with any issue -- different answers for different people.


George used the search for Osama to drag this country into a war with the Middle East and lost focus on his main objective. Most of it is because the public has been losing faith in the government and the President to actually do anything for anyone. The last decent president we had was Ronald Reagan; Bill Clinton had the pulse of the nation, but he was mired in controversy. We probably won't have a decent American President until we can elect one that actually proves he cares about the American public and can restore faith in the Oval Office. None of our presidents have trully been able to do that since JFK was assassinated.


There is no comparison between Lincoln and Bush.

I see him only getting blamed for things he did. Stop defending such an incompetent bumbler. You are out of your mind if you think history is going to look kindly on him.


When Lincoln became President the Country was already divided. Major issue was tariffs. Few in the South owned slaves because slave were expensive.


No no, just the things he is responsible for:
The Iraq War, Katrina's mismanagement, torture, Guantanamo Bay, wiretapping.

But that's enough for me.
Lincoln tried to keep the Union together. Bush's politics have resulted in nothing but division, corruption, fiscal irresponsibility and fiasco. Comparing the two in the name of similarity is laughable, if only the state of the country wasn't so bad or so serious.

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